Alan Baklayan: Parasites - the hidden cause of many deseases
This is the basic book on frequency therapy according to Hulda Clark and Alan Baklayan ✓ zapper ✓ parasite cleanse ✓ here for sale
Produktinformationen "Alan Baklayan: Parasites - the hidden cause of many deseases"
Alan E. Baklayan: Parasites - the hidden cause of many deseases
Published 2022 by Mannayan GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany
ISBN 978-3-00-074143-2, 384 pages
The well-known Clark therapist Alan Baklayan formulates his basic work here - an explanation about parasites and their effects that is also understandable for laypersons. Here is an overview of the table of contents:
Three main desease causing factors:
- Environmental toxins
- Heavy-metal burden
- Man's constitution
- Parasites
The consequences and what to do in case of the different deseases.