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Produktinformationen "Alan Baklayan: Gentle self-haealing with harmonic waves"

Alan E. Baklayan: Gentle self-haealing with harmonic waves. A practical manual
Verlag Lehrinstitut Baklayan, ISBN 978-3-00-051402-9, 162 pages

This is the practice book for frequency therapy with the Rife machine Diamond Shield. It describes cases of patients who have been able to improve the quality of their lives considerably with the help of self-therapy. With a wide range of symptoms the variety of possibilities is presented.

The book is structured according to common symptoms such as

  •   rheumatic conditions
  •   insomnia
  •   elevated blood pressure
  •   allergy
  •   menstruation pain
  •   depressive moods
  •   lyme desease

These symptoms are sorted according to mild, moderate, and severe symptoms. So everyone can quickly find the chapter that is right for them.

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