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Produktinformationen "Hulda R. Clark: The cure for all deseases"

Hulda R. Clark: The cure for all deseases
ISBN 978-0-9841129-4-4
616 pages
Dr. Clark Information Center

Dr. Clark's standard work explains her empirical hypothesis on how serious diseases are related to parasite infestation and how this is related to environmental toxins. It offers many possibilities of self-treatment with herbal recipes. The use of the parasite zapper and frequency generator is explained as well as the execution of the LINK parasite cleanse.

The book describes chronic disturbances and pain as well as the development and use of zapper, frequency generator and syncrometer. With many case histories.

The final section lists all Clark frequencies, sorted by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. The detailed index makes it easy to find what you are looking for.


Dr. Clark Zentrum Limited

Balluta Harbour Block 4,
Appartment 5 Bkara Road
MLT-San Giljan STJ1062

Email: [email protected]

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