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Produktinformationen "Frequency compendium"

Frequency Compendium - A compilation of Frequencies by Rife and Clark
Publisher: Academy of Harmonical Frequency Procedure e.V., Munich
ISBN 978-3-00-066259-1. 248 pages in large format 26x32cm with stable, practical ring binding

Milestone in frequency therapy

The Frequency compendium contains thousands of frequencies according to Dr. Raymond Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark. Sorted alphabetically by names of diseases, symptoms and pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites). 

Thus a huge compendium is available to all users of frequency therapy. You will almost always find the appropriate frequencies, often also for rare disorders and diseases. With the frequency generators Diamond Shield professional you can then enter the frequencies to create individual frequency programs and even store them on chipcards.

The detailed introduction (34 pages) describes exactly the structure of the frequency compendium, gives practical instructions and includes an FAQ section. This is followed by the 180-page main section, which shows Rife and/or Clark frequencies for each keyword. Next to it there are indicated:

  •  the recommended duration
  •   wobble time, if applicable
  •   earthing yes/no
  •  offset
  •   sweep time and modulation
  •  intensity (Volt)      and
  •  therapeutic explanation 

The register (33 pages) is also very helpful for quickly finding keywords.

You see a large table with a lot of small numbers and words


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